A Christmas Carol from the author Charles Dickens...

Welcome to the 'A Christmas Carol' audiobook page. Here you will find samples from various audiobook versions of 'A Christmas Carol', unabridged, abridged and dramatized, plus more Charles Dickens novels in audio. We wish you good listening!

  A Christmas Carol
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A Christmas Carol (Unabridged)

A Christmas Carol (Unabridged) by Charles Dickens

Summary from the publisher of A Christmas Carol (Unabridged audiobooks)

This is Jim Dale's incomparable telling of the beloved A Christmas Carol, a "little book," as Charles Dickens himself called it, which has been treasured by generations since December of 1843. Listeners of all ages will be enthralled as they meet for the first time, or are reunited with, that miser of all misers, Mr. Ebenezer Scrooge; his cheerful and long-suffering assistant, Bob Cratchit; Scrooge's mysterious visitors on a wintry Christmas Eve, the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Christmas Present and Christmas Future; and the other characters in the timeless story which is sure to touch a chord in all of us.

Let a master reader beguile you with this universal reminder of what the holiday season can and should mean in this unique production of Dickens' classic and ever-timely tale. (Bantam Books / Random House Listening Library)

Audie Award Winner, Classics, 2005

A Christmas Carol

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

Summary from the publisher of A Christmas Carol (Abridged audiobooks)

A Christmas Carol is the best-known and best-loved of Dickens' Christmas books, and the story of the miser Scrooge's redemption has become as much part of the Christmas tradition as plum pudding and carols themselves. Will Tiny Tim live to see another Christmas? Can Scrooge recover his humanity and learn to love the fellow men he seems to despise? Dickens will make you laugh and make you cry as you follow Scrooge's supernatural adventures on Christmas Eve. (NAXOS AudioBooks Ltd 1995)

A Christmas Carol

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

Summary from the publisher of A Christmas Carol (Abridged audiobooks)

Ebenezer Scrooge, a miserly businessman, is visited on Christmas Eve by the ghostly apparition of Marley, his former business partner, returned from the grave dragging a long and heavy chain representing his many sins. Marley warns Scrooge that the same fate may befall him, and sends the three spirits of Christmas Past, Present, and Future to teach him the true meaning of Christmas. Dickens's story has proved one of his most popular works and has had an enduring influence on the way we think about the traditions of Christmas. (Penguin Books Ltd)

A Christmas Carol

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

Summary from the publisher of A Christmas Carol (Abridged audiobooks)

Ever since the first publication of A Christmas Carol in 1843, the tale of stingy Ebenezer Scrooge, humble Bob Cratchit, and beloved Tiny Tim has had a special place in the Christmas tradition. Now, Sir John Gielgud's dramatic reading of an abridgment of this holiday classic brings Dickens' memorable characters to life. His portrayal of Scrooge's transformation shows us the nature of true charity, the power of tenderness, and the wisdom of innocence. This recording of A Christmas Carol is sure to become part of your own holiday traditions.

Narrator: Born in London, England and trained at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts, Sir John Gielgud was best known for his Shakespearian roles in the theater, making his first stage appearance in 1921 at the 'Old Vic.' He received an Academy Award nomination for his performance in Beckett, and won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor in 1981 for his role in Arthur. Other film credits include The Portrait of a Lady, William Shakespeare's Hamlet, Shine, and Looking for Richard.

(Bantam Bantam Audio Publishing 1987)

A Christmas Carol

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

Summary from the publisher of A Christmas Carol (Abridged 'Dramatization')

Scrooge, Marley, Tiny Tim, the ghosts, - we've been spending the holidays with them for years. But, here they are, as you've never heard them before, in actor David Davies' one-man performance of all the roles in Dickens' classic. Give yourself a present or start a new family tradition by gathering the children round the computer to listen to a new holiday favorite. (One Voice Recordings)

A Christmas Carol

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

Summary from the publisher of Oliver Twist (Dramatization)

"I don't make merry myself at Christmas, and I can't afford to make idle people merry," grumbles the patron saint of misers, Ebenezer Scrooge. Curmudgeonly Scrooge thinks Christmas is "humbug" with only one purpose - to cheat honest employers like himself out of a day's labor from his workers. But one life-changing night he receives a ghostly visitation from his former partner, Jacob Marley. Marley arranges for 3 spirits to visit him - Christmas Past, Christmas Present, and Christmas Future. Their mission is to warn Scrooge of the errors of his ways and the consequences of hard-heartedness and greed. Experience the ... story of Scrooge, Bob Cratchit, Tiny Tim, and all the other well-known characters in this timeless classic that captures the true essence of Christmas. (HarperCollins Publishers)

A Christmas Carol: Past, Present, and Future

A Christmas Carol: Past, Present, and Future

Summary from the publisher of A Christmas Carol: Past, Present, and Future (Abridged Dramatization)

Ebenezer Scrooge is a penny-pinching miser in the first degree. He cares nothing for the people around him, and for him mankind exists only for the money that can be made through exploitation and intimidation. He particularly detests Christmas, which he views as "a time for finding yourself a year older, and not an hour richer". On Christmas Eve, Scrooge is visited by the ghost of his former partner, Jacob Marley, who died seven Christmas Eves ago.

Marley, a miser from the same mold as Scrooge, is suffering the consequences in the afterlife and hopes to help Scrooge avoid his fate. He tells Scrooge that he will be haunted by three spirits. These three spirits, the ghosts of Christmas past, present, and future, succeed in showing Scrooge the error of his ways. His glorious reformation complete, Christmas morning finds Scrooge sending a Christmas turkey to his long-suffering clerk, Bob Cratchit, and spending Christmas day in the company of his nephew, Fred, whom he had earlier spurned.

This updated classic will entertain the young and old alike. (GIGI Books 2004)

A Christmas Carol (Dramatized)

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

Summary from the publisher of Oliver Twist (Abridged Dramatization)

'Twas the night before Christmas. Ebenezer Scrooge was alone, when suddenly he heard a ghostly moan. A ghost it was, took him back to the past, then to the present and future days in hope that Scrooge would mend his ways...

The St. Charles Players present a new and thrilling adaptation of this classic tale, performed in exciting Radio Theatre style. (Monterey Media Inc. 1999)



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A Tale of Two Cities : Charles Dickens Great Expectations : Charles Dickens Hard Times : Charles Dickens
Oliver Twist : Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol : Charles Dickens Charles Dickens : Biography


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